A Double Bass – Music And Books

Double Bass Music Instrument Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Double Bass Pattern


It has been a long time since I made a musical instrument quilt pattern.  I love to play music so much that I try to play the violin and the piano very regularly, and occasionally strum the guitar too.  Recently though, I had to take a little break from playing for various reasons.  The idea of a double bass quilt pattern had been brewing in my head for a while.  So during my hiatus, I worked on creating this pattern and stitching the block.

The Double Bass block is going to be the bridge between the other two music wall hangings I made.




Classical Music Inspired Piano Sonata



Music Quilt - Guitar, Drums, Microphone Quilt Patterns | Whims And Fancies


Rock Music Inspired Super Massive Black Hole


In the meantime, I also heard some wonderful news regarding this fREADom pattern I created.



Freedom - Bookshelf Reading Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase fREADom Pattern


Last October during Banned Books week, an event hosted by the American Library Association (ALA), they shared this mini on Twitter.  I was also contacted by a group of librarian quilters who auction off quilts at ALA’s annual conference.  I gave them a discounted rate for the pattern.  Last week I heard back from Kelly, the organiser, that they were able to raise $620 in scholarship funds from the sale of the minis.

The fREADom mini means so much to me that I was elated by the email from Kelly.  You can read more about the inspiration behind this mini – my grandmother – in the FREADOM post here.



Double Bass Music Instrument Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Double Bass Pattern


Sometimes inspiration strikes you out of nowhere as I mentioned in the Happenstance post.  In May I had the opportunity to visit a Monet exhibit.  On our way back I stopped by the violin shop to pick up my re-haired bow.  I was inspired by all the artwork from earlier that morning, as well as the atmosphere of the violin shop.

Thereafter I found myself working on this block.  I couldn’t resist taking a picture of it on my sheet music.  They are all violin music, but I am sure the bass wouldn’t mind.

This block is 10″ x 20″.  I paper pieced the f-holes, but I also included an alternative to paper piecing the f-holes in the pattern. I love the way this turned out.  I will make a single-block wall hanging with this one.  The Double Bass quilt pattern is now in my shop along with the other musical instruments patterns.




28 thoughts on “A Double Bass – Music And Books

  • Ruth Bourke July 26, 2017 at 14:39

    So beautiful. When I saw it reminded me of a double bass I photographed on holiday in Cuba on holidays nearly 11 years ago.

  • Kelleyn Rothaermel July 19, 2017 at 16:30

    That is really cool! Great job!

  • Linda July 19, 2017 at 13:50

    WoW, an amazing design! Thanks for linking up with ‘sew stitch snap SHARE’

  • Ness July 19, 2017 at 12:58

    What beautiful designs. I’ve also wanted to make a quilt but I’ve never got round to sorting one out.

  • Jesh StG July 17, 2017 at 23:32

    The more I get to know you, the more surprises pop up – you must do art all the time – great you have the time for it! The pattern of the musical instruments comes out beautifully! Many thanks for showing All Seasons – this classy (and classical) pattern! Wishing you a joyful artsy week!

  • Su-sieee! Mac July 17, 2017 at 14:14

    Your bass quilt is sweet! You’ve got me thinking of things I’d like to make, but will I don’t know. Just imagining feels good to me right now. Thanks! Congrats on your Freadom pattern. I love it!

  • Patricia July 16, 2017 at 17:39

    Congratulations on how much was raised with your pattern! Your minis are so very beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  • // Heidrun July 16, 2017 at 04:20

    Wow! Each looks fantastic. A great work.
    Heidrun XO

  • Kim Sharman July 12, 2017 at 23:27

    Well done you, for raising those funds for the worthy charity. I remember loving your Freadon quilt when you posted about it a while ago and I still love it; it is very clever. Your Double Bass block is fabulous. Love all the intricate details. I am always wondering…..”how does she do it?” =)

  • Susan July 12, 2017 at 09:38

    Congrats on a successful block that touched so many! Thanks for sharing it on Midweek Makers today!

  • Jayne July 12, 2017 at 06:18

    I am always amazed at your paper piecing skills! I would love to learn to make more detailed patterns like this one day! Your fREADom quilt is something to be proud of! It’s amazing too!

  • bettyl - NZ July 12, 2017 at 00:27

    What a fantastic pattern for a quilt! You are so talented :)

  • Mary @ Fleur de Lis Quilts July 11, 2017 at 13:59

    Wow Soma! I knew that fREADom block was fabulous but this news is big. We librarians know a good deal when we see it. I’m no longer a librarian, but in my heart I will always be one. I’m fairly sure that heaven has a huge library where everything is in order and perfectly placed on the shelves. It goes without saying, of course, there’s heavenly music for those choirs of angels.

  • Kaja July 11, 2017 at 06:56

    Congratulations on the success of your block, raising money for such a great cause. I like your double bass block a lot; I’m always fascinated by the way you seem to be able to break things down into their component parts for your patterns.

  • Bonnie in VA July 10, 2017 at 09:34

    Let’s hear it for the librarians of the world! And, how wonderful to use your block as a means to raise scholarship funds. I like your double bass block. You are very talented. Years back I would have been interested in a french horn for my daughter but since the kiddies have come she hasn’t picked it up to play at all. (Yikes and this after years of schooling including a doctorate.) I enjoy seeing what designs you are coming up with.

  • krislovesfabric July 10, 2017 at 08:31

    Congrats on your block’s success and love your new one…I am always amazed at how you are able to translate curves in your designs.

  • Nann July 10, 2017 at 08:20

    I’m the convenor of the ALA Biblioquilters, three of whom contributed fREADom quilts to this year’s auction. It’s nice to read your post. We’re happy that you’re happy! We hope to make more fREADom quilts for 2018. The topic is most appropriate and the size is just right. (Here’s the entire display: http://withstringsattached.blogspot.com/2017/07/quilts-at-alaac17.html)

  • Kate July 10, 2017 at 06:17

    A very fun block. It will look very nice in with your other musical fabric pieces. How cool on the fREADom auction success. Happy stitching this week and hoping you can get back to playing violin soon. My Guy plays his guitar every day, he misses it a lot when he can’t play.

  • Roseanne @ Home Sewn By Us July 10, 2017 at 04:28

    Hi Soma,
    WOW – that is just wonderful about your fREADom mini! I am going to read or READ your inspiration post. My bestie is a Reading teacher and is passionate about reading and getting her first graders into reading. That mini just NEEDS to be made for her, and I love sharing how quilts came about. ~smile~ Roseanne

  • Celtic Thistle Stitches July 7, 2017 at 09:56

    Fabulous pattern, and well done everyone on that great sum raised!

  • Val Reynolds July 7, 2017 at 07:11

    Very cool pieces! And that is so great about the fREADom success!! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  • Cheryl Parker July 7, 2017 at 06:43

    Great blocks/quilts. I can’t play (yes, even after 2 years of lessons) but, I can’t imagine life without music or books.

  • Silvana July 7, 2017 at 06:03

    OMG! Your patterns are always to die for, Soma! You are the Empress of the paperpieced patterns! You rock!!!!

  • Andrea H July 6, 2017 at 13:13

    I really adore the new pattern. And congratulations on the money raised. That is quite the honor. –Andrea

  • Patty July 6, 2017 at 11:18

    Love the new pattern. How cool about the money your quilt raised! congrats on that.

  • Jo July 6, 2017 at 10:18

    Wow, Soma, that is a lovely block! Your music blocks are wonderful! My kids are joining their school band/strings program this year – one on the sax the other the cello! Should be fun! That’s also great news on your fREADom block! As a librarian I am definitely a lover of all books and appreciate the freedom that comes with reading! Such a cool mini.

  • Susan July 6, 2017 at 08:45

    The Bass won’t mind the violin music–as it is a Bass Viol(in). I have added this one to my wish list on Craftsy.

  • Mary July 6, 2017 at 08:41

    OMGosh, Soma. That is really spectacular. Those tiny paper pieced f-holes are incredible. That makes such a nice addition to the others.

    Woohoo on the fREADom news. That is great. It is such a creative piece.

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