Wandering Camera – Camping

High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



If being a good patient was one of my virtues, I would have already recovered from my cold.  Other chronic ailments made it a little worse.  I still have a lingering cough and laryngitis.  It was not the smartest idea to go camping in the mountains after a night of high fever and chills, but I had my reasons, however unreasonable they may have been.  After weeks of not amounting to much, I couldn’t wait to look through the photos I took there.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



My husband was also getting over the cold he had caught.  We were feeling better that morning, so we decided to go after all, but with the proviso of not walking any trails or cooking dinner.

I love to camp at 10,000ft (3,048m) because of the cooler temperatures, even though I get altitude sickness there.  Since both of us were still under the weather, it was worse for me this year, and even my husband, who is usually unaffected by altitude change, suffered from it this time.  Despite that, we had a wonderful time puttering around the High Sierra mountains.

We watched the sunset colours transform on Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs before going down to 6300ft (1,920m) for dinner.



High Sierra Tioga Pass Watercolour Painting | Whims And Fancies



The wind was howling around our tent on the penultimate night.  When I stepped out of the tent for an early morning bathroom break, the sun was still behind the mountains, spreading a warm glow.  The campground was still asleep in the warm tents on that cold, windy morning.  I reached for the camera, then decided to capture the moment only with every fibre of my being instead.

I was feeling too sick to paint en plein air, so I made a quick sketch of the campground to paint later.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



Clouds rolled in during the last day.  Low humidity joined high winds, turning it into a red alert day.  That meant it was too dangerous to light a campfire.

I was still not doing any better, so my dear husband talked me into getting a hotel room for our last night there.  We broke camp slowly during the day and spent the rest of the late afternoon revisiting a few places for photography.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



We stopped one last time at Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs.  Sunlight was fading fast that day due to the clouds.  The mountains unexpectedly turned deep red for a very short time before turning into a dull evening grey.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



Heightened altitude sickness put my body to the test this year.  However, spending beautiful days surrounded by the towering granite mountains and star-studded, cold nights by a campfire was worth every bit of it. 

I was standing alone in the middle of a field on a new moon night for this photo, soaking in the darkness and starlight around me.  I don’t remotely regret going.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



Good thing we got the hotel, because my high fever returned that night and I lost my voice completely. Next day after breakfast I felt a little better.  We walked around Mono Lake before driving home.

High Sierra is such an amazing place. I am happy to be able to share just a few of the photos I took there with you.


Camera And Photography Linky Party | Whims And Fancies


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.



32 thoughts on “Wandering Camera – Camping

  • betty - NZ October 11, 2018 at 15:53

    Great images. Hope you’re better by now. How long is your link open? I stop by now and the but it’s always closed :( Maybe if you left it open all month I could catch up and link!

  • nessjibberjabberuk October 6, 2018 at 10:05

    You might not have felt good but your photographs from your trip are amazing!

  • Kelly Anne Rothaermel October 5, 2018 at 07:18

    Amazing images! So shart! Love it!

  • Gale October 3, 2018 at 19:07

    Your pictures are so beautiful.

  • Sandra Walker October 3, 2018 at 16:40

    Your photos quite literally brought tears to my eyes, Soma. The rocks look like they’re floating. That last one of the red mountain—!!! Incredible in the full meaning of the word. Totally understand why you’d say it was all worth it (reminds me of a trip to Florida where we stayed in Miami Beach for the first few days and I had zero voice, a terribly sore throat, awful). That final photo of the cosmos…. Something my husband often says came to mind, “The planet will be all right. We probably won’t. It’ll survive us.” We are but a blip, aren’t we? I wish we were a kinder blip to our planet….

  • Janine @ Rainbow Hare October 1, 2018 at 13:10

    Your photos are amazing, Soma. You certainly visit some spectacular places. I’m sorry to hear you were so ill though. I hope you are feeling better now. I’m sorry I had trouble with the linky, which kept giving me error messages but then linked me up twice…

  • Andree G Faubert September 30, 2018 at 16:04

    Hi Soma, I hope that you’re feeling better. Your photos are stunning, as usual. I love travelling with you :-)
    Take care, Andree

  • Cheryl Brickey September 30, 2018 at 12:42

    What beautiful pictures, the glowing orange mountain is fantastic!

  • Anne September 30, 2018 at 01:47

    Simply stunning photographs, I can fully understand why you still wanted to go on your trip despite your illness, I’d have found it hard to deny myself views like these too. I hope you are feeling better now and enjoy your painting.

  • NatashaMay September 29, 2018 at 23:48

    Gorgeous landscape photos! Love the red mountain. :)

  • Lady Fi September 29, 2018 at 22:39

    Wow wow wow! Each shot is a work of art!

  • Jan September 28, 2018 at 15:06

    Absolutely stunning photo art!

  • Alycia September 28, 2018 at 13:50

    Wow – what beauty!!! that mountian that is red is just amazing! and the stars!! I am glad you went – and hope that you are all healed now!

  • Christine September 28, 2018 at 10:24

    Gorgeous scenery!

  • Marie-OR September 28, 2018 at 08:56

    The photos are amazing! Just take care of that cold though!

  • Shasta September 28, 2018 at 08:45

    Wow such spectacular scenery and you have captured it so well. Sorry you aren’t feeling well. Hope you get better soon.

  • Melissa Rich September 28, 2018 at 07:27

    Stunning images!! Sorry you were so sick, but what an amazing trip nonetheless.

  • Sarah September 28, 2018 at 05:10

    Beautiful photos and lovely journalling too! Happy PPF from No 17 :D

  • Carol September 28, 2018 at 04:43

    Beautiful lake photos and the starry sky is very impressive!

  • Kaja September 27, 2018 at 23:30

    How I wish I could this for myself, but your beautiful photos are the next best thing. I’m not surprised you thought the trip was worth it, though I hope you are fully recovered now.

  • Kathleen Kingsbury September 27, 2018 at 20:58

    Absolutely stunning photos!! Sorry you’ve been so sick. Hope you’re feeling better by now.

  • Mary September 27, 2018 at 16:55

    I am always blown away with your photos. That momentary red was captured so perfectly. Mono lake is such a stunning place too and your photo is fabulous. I also love the starry night. I think you should do this photography for a living!

  • Susan September 27, 2018 at 14:57

    I wish I was there. Love those beautiful pictures.

  • Dixie September 27, 2018 at 14:15

    O, what delightful pictures. They take my breath away, so I can only begin to imagine what it might be like to be in such a sublime place.
    I absolutely love the night sky photo too, so gloriously beautiful.
    You have true grit, Soma. I think I might have packed in it before I left. *L* I do hope you are feeling better!

  • Barbara J Stanbro September 27, 2018 at 11:01

    Beautiful photos, and you are a good artist too! Sorry about the double post. Please feel free to delete one of them. I got an error message when I tried to link up, and then checked back to find two posts. Oy. Anyway…thanks for hosting.

  • Su-sieee! Mac September 27, 2018 at 09:53

    I admire your determination to be out in the wilderness, regardless of your illness. The cool, refreshing air may have helped your illness come to a head sooner. It has been many years since I’ve wandered around the Sierras. Desolation Wilderness was my favorite haunt. Your photos are amazing and have me itching to see the mountains. Take good care of yourself, Soma. :-)

  • Rhonda Snider September 27, 2018 at 08:20

    You have a true gift!

  • krislovesfabric September 27, 2018 at 07:26

    Beautiful pictures Soma, hope you both are feeling much better now!

  • Angie September 27, 2018 at 07:02

    What a powerful, strong woman you are! Sick and still up for camping in a tent! The pictures are definitely worth it, and least from my selfish perspective …. love your drawing of the view with the splotches of color in the margins – just fabulous. Thanks for hosting Wandering Camera, and I hope you fully recover soon.

  • Carol S. September 27, 2018 at 05:30

    You are so brave to venture out when you’re feeling so sick, but you definitely captured some amazing photos of your camping experience. The orange mountain ones are gorgeous and that last photo is just stunning! I hope you feel better!

  • Kim Sharman September 27, 2018 at 04:23

    Oh my goodness, Soma, you certainly throw caution to the winds to capture your astounding photos! All photos are sublime. Again, I can only imagine the feeling of grandeur and expectancy at spending time in such amazing locations. I’m sorry you have not been well. I hope you are soon feeling much better. With Fall and then Winter on your horizon I would imagine you are one happy photographer. =)

  • Sue September 27, 2018 at 01:34

    Beautiful photos, I hope you are feeling much better now. Love the reflections photo…all of them!! And the night sky photo is stunning.

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