
Metamorphosis - A Watercolour Painting by Soma Acharya | Whims And Fancies


Hi Everyone!  I spent the last few months in a haze.  Apart from many other things, I spent a lot of time pondering the subject of existentialism, alongside a feeling of swimming forever without reaching the shoreline.  When this happens, I escape into my self-made world of photography and painting.  It wraps me in a safe cocoon.  Sometimes I find it very hard to leave that world behind and come back to reality.



Simple 365 – Set 1

Please Click on the image thumbnails to see the photos.





A part of my little world recently changed forever, even before the larger world started to go awry around us.  Sadly, it is an echo of my current state of mind, more destructive than constructive.  I started taking daily photos of simple, everyday things to remind me to be happy. Reflective of my current state, they are in black and white.

Very aptly, my husband suggested I call it “Simple365“. 



Metamorphosis - A Watercolour Painting by Soma Acharya | Whims And Fancies



Trading Secrets



Metamorphosis - A Watercolour Painting by Soma Acharya | Whims And Fancies


I really love the solitudinous nature of a forest; it creates such a beautiful setting for reflection.  My cat is happy to be there, enjoying the simplicity only nature can bring.   An oak tree, strong and wise, protects my cat within its branches.  There is a green butterfly that roams there.  They trade secrets with each other.  Today, the butterfly is telling him about metamorphosis.


I hope this little story of their friendship made you smile.

If you will, please leave a happy note or memory in the comments.  Let me know which one of my “Simple365” strikes a chord with you.  Join me if you wish.  You don’t have to take a picture everyday, but do look around you, take a photo and share if you like.  It might make someone else smile too.


Take care and until next time,



I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.  



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My Orange Tabby

Striped Cat Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



I have done it!  I have reached that elusive finish for this mini.  Once I had finished the block early last year, I went through many ideas of quilting this little one, but nothing really stuck.  At one point I even finished drawing swirls on the block, cut the backing and the batting, but it never made it to the machine.  The problem is the colour of my cat.



My Orange Maine Coon Cat | Whims And Fancies



You already know that I love my big old orange cat, my constant companion and shadow.  This mini is special because I modeled it after him. 



Striped Tabby Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



I used the orange swirly fabric that I love and the black fabric that I had left over from another quilt.  Orange cats are mostly associated with Halloween.  Add a black background and you have a quintessential Halloween project. 

Except, that was far from being my intention.  I added the black background because of my love for the night sky.  The picture I wanted to paint was one where my cat and I would sit by the window and cherish that outer world



Striped Tabby Cat Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



Month after month I looked at the block and put it away for lack of a good idea.  Swirls would just add to the Halloween picture that I did not want to create.  Finally one day it came to me – I wanted to try matchstick quilting.  It would echo the stripes on the kitty too.  Seemed like a perfect solution.



Matchstick Quilting On Cat Quilt | Whims And Fancies



Since this was my first time doing matchstick quilting, I wanted to err on the side of caution.  So I worked up to lines that are 1/4″ apart and stopped there.  I felt that was perfect.  I used a variegated thread which gave it an additional fun effect.



Quilt Facing / Binding | Whims And Fancies



I faced the quilt to give it more of an art canvas look.  Since almost all of my quilts are paper pieced art quilts, I will be using facing more often instead of binding going forward.



Striped Kitty Cat Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



In the end, all that waiting paid off.  I let the project guide me to the finish line and I am very happy for it.  I love the mini, almost as much as I love my kitty!


Autumnal Equinox is tomorrow.  Perfect time to place this mini on the wall of my atelier where my kitty and I spend the day together working.  Knowing me, it will end up staying there forever.

Happy Quilting,


I am linking up with Patty on One Monthly Goal.  Great monthly linky party for finishing those WIPs.


I am also linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them, they are a lot of fun!




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