Dreaming Into The Night

Astrophotography Orion Nebula in Orion Constellation | Whims And Fancies



After a long gap due to being sick, I stepped outside under the night sky last week with my telescope.  My books and the night sky were two stable things in my life as a child.  Orion was the first constellation I learned about and he promptly became my friend.  I would chat away with this imposing figure in the winter sky and that continues even now.  His visit every year gets me excited about winter.  I intended to capture starlight from the Orion Nebula before I have to say goodbye to my starry friend.



Pleiades Star Cluster | Whims And Fancies



Astrophotography is a very time-consuming process which requires taking many a photo of the same object over a long span of time.  I wrapped myself up with many layers of clothing for a long, cold night outside.  Unfortunately, the wind had plans of its own, nudging my telescope around by being overtly playful that night.  After 45 minutes and only 4 good photos, I decided to stop and continue on another night.  I spent rest of the time enjoying being outside under the stars, dreaming of being a little closer to them.



Orange Maine Coon Cat | Whims And Fancies



My husband loves to spoil this boy by feeding him extra portions of kitty food.   He was an extremely happy boy that day, full of extra food.  I gave him the Union Jack pillow, and we shared the castle quilt to stay warm together.  He purred and dreamed beside me while I knitted into the night.



Socks Knitting Pattern | Whims And Fancies



Lulled into a peaceful state with the gentle purring of my cat, it didn’t take long for me to start dreaming as well.  Ever since I was a child, I wanted to travel more than anything.  Knitting warm woolens always makes me specially dream of the North.  Basking in new travel plans in my head, I worked toward finishing my very first pair of knitted socks.  These are keeping my perpetually cold feet wonderfully warm.



Dreams Are The Touchstones Of Our Characters Thoreau - Dreaming Into The Night | Whims And Fancies



Afterwards, while flipping through an old book, I found this tucked inside.   I assumed it came with the book until I realised the rubber stamps used on this were mine!  I have no recollection of when I made this.  I suppose such is the nature of dreams.

We don’t remember all of them, but some occasionally surface to remind us to continue to dream, reach for the stars and hope for change.



I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.



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An Endeavourer – The Journey Begins

Comet Speeding Through Space - Art quilt inspired by nature and science. Quilted And Painted Fabric with Liquitex acrylic – Whims And Fancies


Speeding Through Space


A few months ago, after I came back from a holiday, a wonderful email from my dear friend Janine was awaiting me.  She talked about a new art quilt group called The Endeavourer, hosted by her and Catherine.  We are a group of 14, creating quilts that feature a chosen theme.  This quarter’s theme was Nature.


I love spending time under the open sky, hiking trails while looking for small hidden surprises.  I made quite a few nature-themed paintings last year, and I was looking for another creative angle.  I love the natural sciences, specially astronomy.  Looking at nature through science-coloured glasses gives me a deeper joy and that is what I wanted to use for inspiration.  I began sketching.



Science Inspired Art - Wave Interference Double Slit Experiment by Thomas Young | Whims And Fancies



I have always had a keen interest in the properties of light.  This was my first sketch based on a double-slit experiment by Thomas Young. It demonstrates the dual nature of light.  The design was defined by simple shapes and limited colours.  That became the style for rest of the sketches.



Science Inspired Art - Quantum Mechanics Atomic Orbital | Whims And Fancies



Then I started going down the rabbit hole.  The dual nature of light sparked another sketch from my all-time favourite –  Quantum mechanics featuring atomic orbitals.  It is a function that calculates the probability of an electron’s position in a region around an atom’s nucleus.  I find the orbital shapes to be really pretty.



Science Inspired Art - Turing Pattern Tiger Stripes | Whims And Fancies



Even after two drawings, I still continued sketching.  An English mathematician named Alan Turing wrote an article on patterns found in nature.   That and my love for tigers prompted this design.  I was pretty sure this was going to be the one.



Science Inspired Art - Sea Stacks And Star Trails | Whims And Fancies



Then last week it was raining here.  I was so deliriously happy that I cast aside all work and painted Sea Stacks with Star Trails.  I love the use of blue on this painting.



Science Inspired Art - Comet Speeding Through Space | Whims And Fancies



The markings from the Turing pattern and the colour blue from the sea stacks gave me my final drawing.  As I very hurriedly sketched this comet, I knew that I had my design.  I couldn’t believe I had not thought of this earlier.



Comet Speeding Through Space - Art quilt inspired by nature and science. Quilted And Painted Fabric with Liquitex acrylic – Whims And Fancies



The rest was easy!  I used converging variable-spaced straight line quilting from corner to corner to give it a sense of motion.  Once that was done, I started painting on the finished, quilted piece.



Comet Speeding Through Space - Art quilt inspired by nature and science. Quilted And Painted Fabric with Liquitex acrylic – Whims And Fancies



Painting on dark fabric required thicker paint.  I already had a set of acrylic paints at home.  Combining that with fabric medium, I slowly painted the comet on the quilted piece.  Nature is ever changing, ever moving, I believe a comet is a perfect representation of that.



Lunar Eclispe Montage January 31, 2018 Backyard Astronomy | Whims And Fancies



I will part with this lunar eclipse photo I took yesterday.  Nature inspires me to be creative every day.  As I made those different sketches, I got to explore different facets of nature.  I thought I’d share a little about my inspiration with you today.  I will write more about the making another day.




I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.



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