Dreaming Into The Night

Astrophotography Orion Nebula in Orion Constellation | Whims And Fancies



After a long gap due to being sick, I stepped outside under the night sky last week with my telescope.  My books and the night sky were two stable things in my life as a child.  Orion was the first constellation I learned about and he promptly became my friend.  I would chat away with this imposing figure in the winter sky and that continues even now.  His visit every year gets me excited about winter.  I intended to capture starlight from the Orion Nebula before I have to say goodbye to my starry friend.



Pleiades Star Cluster | Whims And Fancies



Astrophotography is a very time-consuming process which requires taking many a photo of the same object over a long span of time.  I wrapped myself up with many layers of clothing for a long, cold night outside.  Unfortunately, the wind had plans of its own, nudging my telescope around by being overtly playful that night.  After 45 minutes and only 4 good photos, I decided to stop and continue on another night.  I spent rest of the time enjoying being outside under the stars, dreaming of being a little closer to them.



Orange Maine Coon Cat | Whims And Fancies



My husband loves to spoil this boy by feeding him extra portions of kitty food.   He was an extremely happy boy that day, full of extra food.  I gave him the Union Jack pillow, and we shared the castle quilt to stay warm together.  He purred and dreamed beside me while I knitted into the night.



Socks Knitting Pattern | Whims And Fancies



Lulled into a peaceful state with the gentle purring of my cat, it didn’t take long for me to start dreaming as well.  Ever since I was a child, I wanted to travel more than anything.  Knitting warm woolens always makes me specially dream of the North.  Basking in new travel plans in my head, I worked toward finishing my very first pair of knitted socks.  These are keeping my perpetually cold feet wonderfully warm.



Dreams Are The Touchstones Of Our Characters Thoreau - Dreaming Into The Night | Whims And Fancies



Afterwards, while flipping through an old book, I found this tucked inside.   I assumed it came with the book until I realised the rubber stamps used on this were mine!  I have no recollection of when I made this.  I suppose such is the nature of dreams.

We don’t remember all of them, but some occasionally surface to remind us to continue to dream, reach for the stars and hope for change.



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34 thoughts on “Dreaming Into The Night

  • Janine @ Rainbow Hare March 9, 2018 at 03:56

    Thank you for linking with Wool on Sundays. Soma. You had a great knitting month :)

  • Lorna McMahon March 8, 2018 at 06:51

    We sometimes lose the ability to dream as we age. Holding onto the magic of the simple things is such a great pleasure. All the photos are lovely, but I am amazed by your pictures taken on the cold winter night! Breathtaking!

  • Lynette March 8, 2018 at 06:11

    I meant to say also that your knitting is so pretty. I can crotchet anything, but knitting repeatedly eluded me. I admire other’s work in that art.

    1. Cathy March 13, 2018 at 20:13

      I’m just the opposite, I can knit. I learned in Girl Scouts. My mom was the crocheter of the family. My grandmother did both :)

  • Julie March 7, 2018 at 19:14

    There is always so much to find interesting on your posts. Your socks look very cosy as does your cat – he is a handsome chap. Thanks for linking to Sew, Stitch, Ssap, SHARE.

  • jesh StG March 7, 2018 at 15:24

    Thank you for your comment “to paint the day away” that is just what I’m going to do for the rest of the week:) And hubs gets to make the meals (a new thing for him).
    Don’t know if you forgot, or don’t know – but for All Seasons it says nowhere that it needs to be a new post every time, it only says “one thumbnail per blog” – so you can take another of your images on this or another post:) Do you know I replied on your last email?

  • Jayne March 6, 2018 at 22:47

    Wow – gorgeous photos! Love your knitted socks, very cozy!

  • betty - NZ March 4, 2018 at 20:26

    I’m glad you are feeling better. Orion is in my sky a lot here in New Zealand and he’s the only one I recognize. The rest of the stars are gorgeous but they don’t make any sense to me as figures. I’ve tried to photograph him a few times but intend to get some different stars some time.

  • Ness March 3, 2018 at 14:15

    I’ve tried to take photographs of the moon sometimes but failed miserably! When we went to Northumberland we got up in the middle of the night and saw the whole galaxy above us. It was quite magical.

  • Cheryl Brickey March 2, 2018 at 13:57

    I am sorry you were feeling ill. I am glad that you are feeling better and that we get to enjoy some of your wonderful photography. You were able to get incredible colors from the sky.

  • Kelleyn Rothaermel March 2, 2018 at 07:18

    You poor thing! Sorry, you are allergic to all those items in my salad. bummer!

  • Andrea B. Agillon February 27, 2018 at 18:51

    Hi, my first time here, came in from Our World Tuesday. I love you shots of the night sky. As a child my mother already showed us also some constellation and Orion’s Belt is familiar with us though i admit i haven’t looked much of the constellations for years now, high time to look up again. The city doesn’t seem to be friendly to the skies.

  • Lucy Corrander February 27, 2018 at 00:26

    P.S. I gave up knitting socks because they wore out too quickly and now stick to hats, gloves, scarves and jumpers. But maybe I should be re-inspired for the sake of something cosy to wear indoors and as an excuse for to re-learning how to use four needles.

  • Lucy Corrander February 27, 2018 at 00:24

    I learnt to identify Orion’s Belt, The Plough and Venus when I was small – and that’s all I know still!

  • Angie February 26, 2018 at 19:28

    Such dedication to layer up and go outside for hours to catch the stars. I would definitely be inside with the cat and the socks! Enjoyed your post very much today!

  • Emily Bailey February 26, 2018 at 17:51

    Your knitted socks look great!

  • jesh StG February 26, 2018 at 15:53

    Hello Soma, hope I won’t confuse you, but your second link to All Seasons works (hurray!)
    I came straight from the linky list on my blog to this destination – so you are fine for All Seasons – thank yo for your efforts!. It also means others from the Linky list can reach you!

    Your story about talking to the planets at night was so touching – moving me to tears. I see a (published ( story in this. Would be an awesome book (for kids maybe?)…..

  • Su-sieee! Mac February 25, 2018 at 15:11

    Your star photos are amazing. Your rubber stand has the same colors and tones of the night sky. I love that. Also the quote you chose. I love the possibilities that dreaming opens up.

  • Kelleyn Rothaermel February 25, 2018 at 12:07

    Glad you are feeling better! Have a great week!

  • Sandra Walker February 25, 2018 at 06:49

    What a lovely post, with wonderful incredible photos. Ah the stars, yes, I’ve spent many an hour gazing upwards. I loved the hot tub we had when we lived in Alberta, perfect for star-gazing and being toasty warm! Still haven’t knitted socks yet…how do you wear them (and wear them out) after spending so long working on them?! Another ‘ah’ is the purring of a cat, actually, purring gives off healing vibes.

  • Anne February 25, 2018 at 05:35

    I love your photos of Orion, truly amazing, wouldn’t it be lovely to fly into space. I would dream of it, but I’m not sure I’d do it for real. Although, being weightless would be kind of cool for a paraplegic like me :) And you have a Maine Coone, I would love one. Yours is truly a handsome fella. Finally, I love your socks too, I’m going to attempt to crochet some soon, I think I have enough hats now.

  • Carol February 25, 2018 at 04:13

    Glorious captures of the stars

  • Afra-madmumof7 February 25, 2018 at 00:50

    Beautiful images and a lovely cat -I have a ginger short hair.

  • Robyn Louise February 24, 2018 at 17:09

    Wonderful astronomy photos. I like viewing the Milky Way and the Southern Cross. Love those socks and your ginger “assistant”.

  • Dixie February 24, 2018 at 09:02

    Stars are for wishing and dreaming on for sure. Great photos of way out there in the vastness of wonder. I love your pics!
    What a delightful, dreamy knitting companion.
    Socks are fun to knit, especially turning the heel. Yours look so cozy.
    Wishing you wellness, calm nights and clear skies, Soma.

  • Lady Fi February 24, 2018 at 02:47

    Fabulous starry night shots.

  • BillieBee February 23, 2018 at 18:12

    Glad you are doing better. I’m down with the crude right now, but think I’m coming to the end of it….wow. When I was about 15 many, many years ago I used to go lay in the backyard and look at the stars. I could never see anymore than the dippers, but it did help me to relax.

  • Kim Sharman February 22, 2018 at 23:33

    Star watching into the wee hours of the morning is always a glorious pastime. A most beautiful post, Soma. Your photos of the theatre of the night sky are incredible. Wish I could sit with you and look through that telescope of yours and you show me the intricacies of astrophotography. How lovely to knit through the night with your beautiful kitty snuggled up close. Cool socks. I read once that “every dream begins with a great dreamer”. Hope you are feeling better, lovely Soma. Xx

  • Mary February 22, 2018 at 20:16

    Dreams…..isn’t that what makes life so exciting? Your photography is always so gorgeous. It is always so fun to enjoy what our eyes cannot capture on our own.

    That looks like a very contented kitty. I was falling asleep just reading your post. lol I hope you are feeling better. Everyone has been so sick this year.

  • Ann Nell February 22, 2018 at 18:59

    I really, really love your celestial photos.

  • Janine @ Rainbow Hare February 22, 2018 at 12:41

    This is a beautiful post, Soma. I feel very refreshed after reading it. Dreams, stars, woolly socks, old books and wise words. Everything, really, that could be wished for. I wish you a still night for photos of your friend Orion and warm feet always :) xxx

  • krislovesfabric February 22, 2018 at 09:44

    I love Orion too :) I think we have shared that he is my favorite too and I look high and low for him. Hard to believe that’s your first pair of socks, beautiful choice of yarn :) Sorry to hear you are still dealing with sickness, I hope you feel all better soon!

  • Lisa February 22, 2018 at 05:17

    What a lovely and inspiring post. Keeping our dreams alive and resurfacing. Your photos are beautiful as well.

  • Glenda Hollander February 22, 2018 at 05:16

    I love your blog! The pictures of far away places are wonderful to look at and your words are a delight. Please give us more.

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