Olivine Tulip And Sweden

Olivine Tulip Flower Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Olivine Tulip Pattern


A real quick quilting update before I dive into the next part of our Sweden journey.  I’m  not sure if you remember that a couple of months ago I started working on a stained-glass-themed quilt using Downton Abbey fabrics.  I was very surprised to win the Pantone Quilt Challenge, 2014 with a quilt I made for my kitty when he was ill.  I got a gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop which I finally used to purchase this beautiful set of fabrics.

I designed a set of four stained-glass-themed flower quilt patterns.  Since I love geology and they started looking very much like crystal flowers, I decided to name them after my favourite minerals.

I made a tulip for the third flower as I like them even more than I like roses.  I named this block after a beautiful green mineral – Olivine Tulip. 


It is a very easy 12″ flower quilt pattern, which is available in my shop.



Kyanite Iris Flower Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Kyanite Iris Pattern



Selenite Clematis Flower Quilt Pattern


Purchase Selenite Clematis Pattern


These are the other two flowers from the series that I have already finished making.  They are also 12″ blocks.


Now lets go off to Sweden again.  Last time I paused our journey while overnighting at Umeå.



Umea Sweden | Whims And Fancies



This was a quick photo of the town centre that I took before heading out.  Umeå has birch trees planted on every street, hence it is often called the City Of Birch Trees.  It was a long day of driving.  We stopped at a few a places, enjoying the scenery on the way to the destination.



High Coast Sweden | Whims And Fancies



Around midday we reached Höga Kusten (High Coast) and had a delicious fish lunch by the sea-side.  It was a beautiful sunny day, actually a bit on the warm side.



Nordingra High Coast Sweden | Whims And Fancies



In the afternoon, before heading out of the High Coast area, we stopped at a pretty little town by the water called Nordingrå.



Hudiksvall Sweden | Whims And Fancies



We had been on the road for a while already and a break was needed.  As we were passing by Hudiksvall,  I remembered about the old warehouses there.  We turned into the harbour and walked around a little.



Hudiksvall Sweden | Whims And Fancies



The sun was already setting and we still had a few hours of driving ahead of us.



Falun Sweden | Whims And Fancies



Next morning we woke up in Falun.  The city is in the Dalarna region, home of the Dala horses.  We wanted to see the now retired copper mine called Falu Gruva.  We had pre-purchased our tickets for a guided underground tour already, but we still got there a little early.  We spent the extra time at the exhibits in the surrounding historic buildings.



Falun Sweden | Whims And Fancies



The guided tour was incredible.  After donning raincoats and helmets, we started our descent into the mine with our very knowledgeable tour guide.  At one point during the tour, he turned off the single source of light in the mine.  I have spent a fair amount of dark nights outside, but it is really never completely dark. There is always at least starlight.  The darkness in the mine was so complete and engulfing that I felt claustrophobic.  I don’t think I will ever forget that.  Imagine the people working down there and sometimes getting trapped!



Falun Sweden | Whims And Fancies



Afterwards I wanted to see the old houses painted in Falun Rödfärg, Falun Red.  The lady at the desk marked a couple of old neighbourhoods on the map for us.  One of them was right across the street from the mine.  The workers from the mine lived here before.

We had other plans for the day, but we were having so much fun exploring around the mine that we decided to spend the day there.  I got a little tin of Falun red paint and a couple of little dala horses that I can paint myself.  I also wanted to buy a souvenir Dala horse and it had to be from the Dalarna region.  We had just enough time to stop by the tourist office to purchase a horse for myself and a beautiful mug each for my husband and our wonderful pet-sitter.

It was time to head out of Falun and drive off to Stockholm.  Hope you will be joining me next time too!



Previous Sweden Travel Story

Kiruna To Umeå





20 thoughts on “Olivine Tulip And Sweden

  • M-R @ Quilt Matters December 11, 2015 at 11:51

    Wow, beautiful blocks! Your photos of Sweden are gorgeous! It sounds like a fabulous trip!

  • CARRIE WIKANDER December 10, 2015 at 07:32

    Man I really want to go there after seeing your photos. Beautiful. So is the stained glass piece…

  • Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts December 9, 2015 at 15:32

    I am loving your flower blocks Soma! I never would have thought to use the Downton Abby fabric line, but it looks so good here! The pictures of your trip look amazing – such beautiful scenery.

  • Kaja December 9, 2015 at 10:31

    Stunning photos – you have a great eye.

  • Marsha December 8, 2015 at 16:28

    I love your two latest tulips; they are going to make up into such a gorgeous quilt. Please keep sharing your blocks and I think the names you give them are so interesting!
    Those warehouses on stilts are intriguing to me; wish I’d been there and see that sunset against backdrop of the warehouses. Gorgeous!

  • Cheryl December 5, 2015 at 13:21

    The mine tour sounds amazing! How cool that you actually got to go in the actual mine.

  • Connie Campbell December 5, 2015 at 08:29

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos Soma!! It looks like an incredible place!

  • Carla December 4, 2015 at 21:20

    Isn’t that fun! The mine looks amazing

  • Wendy December 4, 2015 at 18:10

    I love your new creations! These flowers really do look like crystals. Congrats on your award too! You have had a wonderful adventure in Sweden … it’s all making me wish very much to visit Sweden myself. I’ve twice been in caves where the guides turn out the lights, once as a child in England, and once here in Ontario. Both had the same bizarre effect like the darkness had substance and was smothering me. It was interesting, but I don’t like that feeling at all. Love the shot of the staircase down into the depths … it all looks a bit rickety and I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to follow the guide! Beautiful scenery above ground though, everything so clean and pristine. No photo of your Dala horse?

  • Cynthia December 4, 2015 at 16:24

    Beautiful block and you take stunning photos. It looks like such a beautiful place to visit.

  • Lara B. December 4, 2015 at 12:59

    Soma, this new block is so lovely and a beautiful companion to the others. I love that you are naming them after minerals. You have so many diverse and fascinating interests. :) Congratulations on winning the pantone challenge!
    Hudiksvall at sunset is just breathtaking. I love the bold colors of the houses in many nordic countries. I would get claustrophobic just walking into a mine.

  • Dixie December 4, 2015 at 09:07

    That’s an incredible picture of the decent into mine with its coppery light glowing down into the depths to the deep shadows!
    A town of birch trees…I love it. The lakes are so peaceful they draw you in. Thanks for sharing your adventures, Soma.
    And what wonderful quilt block designs!

  • krislovesfabric December 4, 2015 at 05:08

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful trip pictures! I am thinking that must have been quite a hike through that mine! Wow! Wish Pantone had selected that red instead of the pastels for next year.

  • Janine December 4, 2015 at 00:58

    I enjoyed seeing more Sweden photos. It really is beautiful!

  • Sandra December 3, 2015 at 16:57

    The warehouses’ reflection in the water is exquisite. I think of Teh Lord of the Rings, when Gandalf falls off the bridge in that mine shot. Claustrophic, oh yeah. Oh man I love that Falun Red!!! Your flower quilts are gorgeous and yay for you for winning!

  • Mary December 3, 2015 at 13:38

    I am so enjoying this journey, Soma. The thought of that blackened mine sent goosebumps throughout my body. I can’t imagine how claustrophobic that would be.

    LOVE your new flower blocks. Soooo pretty.

  • Kathleen December 3, 2015 at 12:16

    First of all, tulips, my number one favorite flower! Second, I would be absolutely petrified to do that mine tour! But I don’t mind at all traveling through your pictures . . . Are those steps and did you actually walk down them?! Lastly, the red town, I’m struck by how clean it is. Not a piece of litter or a stray weed to be seen. Beautiful.
    Looking forward to your next post!

  • Susan December 3, 2015 at 11:05

    Wonderful pictures and flower patterns. I just want to know if you and your hubby “painted the town red” :-)

  • Susan the Farm Quilter December 3, 2015 at 10:08

    What beautiful blocks you have created! I’m enjoying your trip to Sweden – my grandfather immigrated from Sweden about 100 years ago, so it is fun to see that land he used to call home.

  • Marti December 3, 2015 at 08:48

    Beautiful quilt patterns! And your tour was fascinating too. Was the whole town painted red?

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