My October Photo Project - autumn colours photo by Soma @

My October – Part I

My October Photo Project - autumn colours photo by Soma @


Hello Everyone!  After six long months of being confined indoors,  by the time October arrives, I am desperate to step outside and breathe in a lungful of fresh air.  I have been missing taking photos with my DSLR camera and lenses.   So, very suddenly at the beginning of the month, I decided to do a mini everyday photo project called My October.




My October Photo Project - travel time photo by Soma @



1st October – First travel dates are set.  Poring over maps and making notes for best photo spots and times.  I typically do most of my photography either very early in the morning or late in the afternoon.  The window of photography per day is very short, so I have to make the most of it.




My October Photo Project - The Halloween Tree photo by Soma @



2nd October – I always read The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury in October.  I used to visit an old bookstore in Los Angeles.  The proprietor was a wonderful lady who saved this copy for me.  The shop has since sadly closed down, but the book has fond memories for me.  I have even read it by campfires, so there may be a few soot marks here and there in the book.




My October Photo Project - yellow chrysanthemums photo by Soma @



3rd October – Yellow Chrysanthemums.  I have had this wee plant for close to two decades now.  The extreme heat wave this year took a toll on it.  I spruced it up however, and the buds are starting to bloom like starbursts.  This means my favourite seasons are here.




My October Photo Project - Orange Maine Coon Tavish photo by Soma @



4th October –  October colour – Orange.  “Hi! I am Tavish.  Nice to meet you.”   He spends his days with me while I work in my room.




My October Photo Project - camera lens photo by Soma @



5h October – Getting ready for some extensive photography days.   My camera and I go way back.  My best friends and my security blanket.   It is well-travelled and bear many marks of spending time outdoors.  Now it is time for some generous TLC. 




My October Photo Project - treasure kitty photo by Soma @



6th October – A little treasure.  I had the most wonderful art teacher in high school.  She had a fabulous teacher’s assistant who gave me this reference photo for painting.  I lost the painting, but the photo survived.  I don’t know if this kitty even belonged to anyone, but I feel like she belongs to me and she has become my oldest kitty friend.  I get most anxious when I misplace this photo.  Now she is going to reside in my sketchbook, which is more of a painter’s notebook.  The photo actually has some splatters of the green watercolour paint I used all those years ago.




My October Photo Project - staying cozy photo by Soma @



7th October – Getting cosy.  Much to my delight, it gets very cold in my room and I love to get cosy and warm.  The old blanket is my most favourite.  All my kitties have grown up on it.  They pile up on it on the cold days when we read, watch tv or play video games together.  I am wrapped in those memories whenever I use this blanket.




My October Photo Project - mud stained boots photo by Soma @



8th October – Mud-stained boots.  I love to do photography in what is known as “bad weather”.   If I am to be a storm chaser, then I better keep my gear in tiptop shape.  Time to clean these up, check for damage, and have them ready for the outdoors.




My October Photo Project - LEGO Harry Potter Advent calendar photo by Soma @



9th October – I open my Advent calendar in October!  I get the Lego Harry Potter one every year and save it until the next October.  I love to walk into my room every morning with a cup of coffee and open those little windows, one per day. 




My October Photo Project - black walnut pods photo by Soma @ 


10th October – Garden surprise.  We have two HUGE trees flanking our backyard: a black walnut tree and a redwood tree.  They both shed a lot starting in October.  Sometimes I come across little treasures on the ground that the trees drop for me to find.  Here’s a little look at what happens far up there, at the top of the tree.  I had to use my macro lens to take the details, it is tiny!




My October Photo Project - autumn colours photo by Soma @



11th October –  Sun glow.  Our Japanese Maple sadly suffered much heat damage from the steady 49 C / 120 F temperatures we had for a few days during late summer, and from the drought.  The sun-facing leaves are all burnt.  We started the TLC right away and are seeing signs of life returning.   The leaves turn  into little rubies glinting in the last firelight of the sun.  I get to see the drama unfold every day through my window starting about this time of year while I sit at my desk and work.




My October Photo Project - forest cat Maine Coon Pemberley photo by Soma @



12th October –  Late autumn Forest.  I often imagine hearing a sudden whisper of winds blowing through the leaves, and a part of the forest floor transforms into a cat form.  She goes by the name Pemberley.  Just like the wind, she is never still.




Everyday Bullet Journal Fairy Lantern Flowers made by Soma @



An extra photo –  Before I wrap up I want to share this little story with you.  Recently, this everyday bullet journal I made travelled to its new home.  During an email exchange, she shared about the things she made from my quilt patterns and how they are enjoyed by her family, one of whom lives in Italy.  She also mentioned that this journal is going to travel to Spain to her granddaughter who is studying there.  I love hearing these stories specially on the days when I am lacking motivation and wondering if all the artwork I do and write about has any purpose.  

The journals are available in my shop.


If you are new here, I suffer from really bad allergies to the point where I can’t breathe and get chest constriction.  Even though I am super excited about being outside after so long, I have been feeling a bit lack luster lately.  I can always rely on photography to give me much-needed focus.  So this is first half of My October.  It is such a magical month!  Let me know your favourite thing about October.  I love to read little stories in the comments.

Until next time,


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.   They are always a source of new inspirations.  Please pay them a visit.


54 thoughts on “My October – Part I

  • Divya November 13, 2022 at 08:15

    After going through part II of the series, I had to visit the first part of your October. Great set of pictures.
    And I salute your resolve to document every day of the month. I’ve tried this and failed — a couple of times at least.

    Happy November, happy travel and photography, Soma.

  • Michelle November 11, 2022 at 07:09

    Somehow, I missed this post, and went looking for it when I saw part II come up. Lovely photos! Pemberly and Tabish are beauties. I am especially partial to your flora photos. You have such a good eye.

  • Nikki - Notes of Life October 31, 2022 at 11:45

    Thanks for sharing your October with us. The cats are so cute!

  • Jill October 30, 2022 at 11:59

    I always enjoy seeing your photography. (I am not good at taking pictures at all!) We haven’t had much a fall in our area. It went from a very hot summer to very cool weather. (but this weather is easier to deal with). I felt sad when I read that one of your favorite stores closed. We have had a lot of that happen in our area. .Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.

  • Alison Hall October 29, 2022 at 09:29

    Great post and wonderful images Soma. So glad you can get out and have some adventures with your camera again.
    Happy weekend,

  • Linda C October 28, 2022 at 11:22

    Lovely images. I have never read that book, I shall look out for it.

  • Peabea October 27, 2022 at 07:49

    What a lovely idea of documenting some of your October. An email exchange sounds fun. Love, love the kitties. Makes me miss mine I’ve had over the years. As always, your work is beautiful.

  • Sandee October 26, 2022 at 05:31

    Great shots throughout this month. Well done and the kitties are my favorite of all the shots. I love kitties.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  • Raquel October 22, 2022 at 10:02

    Very interesting, thanks for sharing! Greetings, Raquel

  • RachelSwirl October 22, 2022 at 09:18

    I adore your lovely leafy image – so autumnal! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  • Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs October 22, 2022 at 09:09

    I love this time of year too. I was out just the other day with my DSLR taking snaps of the autumnal colours around here. It’s so pretty.
    Lovely to hear you are able to get out again and enjoy it all.
    Have a lovely weekend Soma. x

  • Sarah MumofThree World October 21, 2022 at 22:42

    It must be wonderful to get outside again after so long! Your photos are beautiful, and I love reading reading all the little stories behind them, especially the photo of the cat from the art teacher.

  • Breathtaking October 20, 2022 at 08:43

    Hello Soma, Thank you for your visit and nice comment. I like your idea of “My October”. I’m sorry you suffer from allergies. I used to suffer very badly from Hay fever, but luckily have grown out of it, but I know how restricting and unpleasant it can be. I loved all your photos, and when I saw your photo of your outdoor boots it reminded me to also check out mine. :=) I really don’t know what I would do without my camera, like you say it is like having a friend without which you would be lost. You have an adorable cat; Tavish sounds like a Scottish name to me! You took a beautiful photo of him looking out the window and think it may be one of my favourite photos, another one is the autumn leaves with the sun shining through. My favourite
    thing about October is the. transformation of the green leaves to the brilliant colours of Autumn. and my two daughters each have a birthday in October which I look forward to.
    Kind regards..

  • Life Images by Jill, West Australia October 19, 2022 at 18:32

    My goodness you must be so glad to get out again after 6 months inside. You have created an interesting look at your October. I did one of these projects when we were in Covid lockdown in 2020 (and I had a broken ankle too)…but then kept going for just over 12 months. Interesting to look back on. Look afteryourself, enjoy the rest of your week and thnakyou for visiting my blog this week.

  • Ruth October 18, 2022 at 05:20

    October sounds like a great month! I really love the Harry Potter advent calendar. I bought the Star Wars advent calendar many years ago when my boys were younger. I think that I might have enjoyed it even more than they did!!

  • Linda October 18, 2022 at 04:55

    Soma thank you for inspiring us at To Do Tuesday!

  • Catherine October 18, 2022 at 00:49

    Enjoy your October! It’s one of my favourite months – the colours outside are so beautiful :o)


  • handmade by amalia October 17, 2022 at 22:05

    How nice to be out and about! Your October looks lovely.

  • Veronica Lee October 17, 2022 at 20:04

    Your October looks terrific!

    Your kitties are so adorable

    Enjoy the rest of October, Soma

  • Sallie (FullTime-Life) October 17, 2022 at 14:09

    Soma, this was a fun read. October must feel like a New Year for you! Is it because of your allergies that you hadn’t been outside for so long? I will scroll through some back posts to see if they tell me. :(If I read it before, I forgot, which at my stage of life is fairly likely). I enjoyed your memories and seeing how your favorite memories serve as inspiration and bring joy. I really truly don’t think you need to worry whether your beautiful work matters! You are an inspiration !

  • Kim Carberry October 17, 2022 at 10:32

    Your October looks wonderful so far. Fantastic photos! I love the Harry Potter calendar and the the cats.

  • image-in-ing weekly photo linky October 17, 2022 at 10:01

    I always love visiting your blog. Your photos and art work never cease to satisfy.
    Thank you for joining us at

  • Dixie October 17, 2022 at 09:47

    Beautiful photos, Soma.
    Both of your kittens are beautiful, but I love the colour of Pemberely markings.
    And I absolutely love your moss green journal.

  • Andrea Priebe October 16, 2022 at 13:15

    I love the fresh cool breezes of October and the beautiful colorful fall foliage on all of our streets. I also love the golden farm fields that have just been harvested and left feeling naked even though still beautiful. I love the laughter and excitement of the children in the neighborhood who are helping with Halloween decorations and planning their costumes for Trick or Treat. I am grateful for the clean air as my FH also suffers from allergies through the latter part of the summer (Hay Fever ). Your Photography is beautiful and your daily thoughts are delightful. I am happy for your that you can start enjoying life again.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  • Joanne October 16, 2022 at 13:12

    Those are such pretty photos; I especially love the leaves and the one of the cat looking out the window. I love all the bright, colorful leaves we have around us this time of year.

  • Bill October 16, 2022 at 10:37

    Some nice shots with your DSLR camera. I seem to use my iphone just as much now but still like using my Canon R6 fro more detail.

  • Anne Sweet October 16, 2022 at 02:48

    I love your cats! It must be fun to plan your October and photography trips. I often wish I could get out more so I understand your joy at freedom. Have a lovely second half of October and I will look forward to what you come up with.

  • Mary October 15, 2022 at 15:20

    October must be such a special month for you. I can’t imagine how you manage staying inside for so long. Your October photos are just beautiful. I hope you also captured that beautiful moon last week. Do your kitties get nervous when they see you leave the house? Like you, we had a lot of “burn” damage to our plants during those heated days. I am hoping my avocado will survive as every leaf fried on it. I love seeing your work so please never feel it is unappreciated. You capture the beauty around us so wonderfully and it makes me appreciate my surroundings all the more.

  • A ShutterBug Explores October 15, 2022 at 15:10

    Oh what a delightful October post ~ all wonderful photos ~ the Ray Bradbury Halloween book looks fascinating and love the kitty photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  • NatureFootstep October 15, 2022 at 13:33

    how wonderful you started this photo project. It makes one focus on good shots. I see you like cats. the last one Pemberley, is very beautiful. Cool to see the orange markings on her.

  • Lavender Dreams October 15, 2022 at 08:16

    I don’t think my comment went through but I really did enjoy this post. It’s fun to catch up with you!

  • Linda October 15, 2022 at 06:35

    You have had a very interesting October! I’m glad for you to use your camera outside. You must be in northern CA if you are looking forward to being cozy.
    Love your kitties! I did not know you had quilt patterns – are you a quilt designer?

  • Amy Johnson October 15, 2022 at 05:51


  • Eileen October 15, 2022 at 03:42

    Hello Soma,
    Tavish is a beautiful cat! I loved all your October photos. I am going to see if my library has that book.
    The journal is lovely, your work is beautiful.
    I have allergies year round, it is not a good feeling. I hope you feel better.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.
    Ps, I appreciate your link, visit and comment.

  • Veronica Lee October 14, 2022 at 21:39

    Such a delightful post!
    Tavish is a gorgeous kitty!

    Happy October, Soma!

  • Louise (Fundy Blue) October 14, 2022 at 19:10

    Hi, Soma! I really enjoyed this post. Tavish is a beautiful cat! Like you, I like to take photos early in the morning or late in the afternoon as well; the light is much richer at those times. I wish I could use lenses like yours, but I have vision issues and can’t see to focus through a lens. I have to rely on my phone or my point-and-shoot camera. Thank goodness for digital photography. The drought we’re having in the west has really impacted our vegetation here in Colorado. It’s very sad. Unfortunately I don’t think we’re going to be out of this drought for a long time yet. Enjoy your traveling and photography during this beautiful month!

  • Carol October 14, 2022 at 17:46

    I’m glad you’re getting outside. I love all your photos and notes. I find that still wearing a mask helps with my allergies to pollen, etc. outside.

  • tomthebackroadstraveller October 14, 2022 at 16:01

    …the sun shining through the Japanese Maple is my favorite. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  • Michelle October 14, 2022 at 14:56

    I love these daily glimpses, Soma! Tavish and Permberly are gorgeous! My mums are starting to open too. Love your photo of yours. I’m so sorry about your allergies. I understand how terrible you can feel. I went through desensitization shots twice.


  • Lavender Dreams October 14, 2022 at 09:46

    I’m so glad to hear you are entering the time of year to get outside. You don’t want to live in Florida, we have allergy problems year round. But I won’t complain. It’s not so bad that I have to stay inside. Love your photos and hope you enjoy the weekend and beautiful weather!

  • John's Island October 14, 2022 at 07:00

    Hi Soma! When I click over to InkTorrents I often find inspiration from your posts. Today’s is no exception. Wonderful post! Let’s start with photography … it’s been a hobby for this old man for more decades than I wish to admit. I try to encourage younger members of my extended family to get into photography for a great life-long hobby. Now, your idea for a mini everyday photo project called My October is brilliant. I enjoyed every single photo you selected for the photo-of-the-day. I am reluctant to pick favorites because they are all excellent … but two I can’t resist: October 11th … Sun glow … gorgeous! And October 4th … Hi Tavish! Nice to meet you too! Thank you, Soma, for sharing and for your kind comment on my blog. I’ll be looking forward to My October Part II. All the best from Seattle! John

  • The Joyful Quilter October 14, 2022 at 05:31

    Thanks for sharing the first half of your October with us. My favorite thing about October? How can I choose just one thing?! Hmm… I’m not sure if that would be the break in the temperature, the changing of the leaves, or the celebrations this month holds for our family. Enjoy your continuing photographic journey, Soma!

  • Rain Frances October 14, 2022 at 03:44

    Hi Soma ☺ Beautiful photos! I’m so glad you’re finally able to go outside! I saw The Halloween Tree on tv when it came out, it was made into an animated movie. I’m going to watch it again while I keep my eyes peeled for a used book!

  • Gillena Cox October 13, 2022 at 21:42

    That Advent Calendar sounds like so much fun. Bravo
    Happy you dropped by my blog and linked up.


  • Angie October 13, 2022 at 21:09

    Soma – beautiful photos, especially the kitties! Glad you are able to get back outside again!

  • Connie Griffin October 13, 2022 at 18:57

    I bet you get so excited when you can plan your trips to take pictures, my husband can take them all year long and he still gets very excited :) Love all your pictures, the flowers are so pretty and your cat is so sweet! We have one like that, constantly on the go and getting into trouble :)
    I do an advent calendar every year also but it is of card making goodies, like stamps, dies and stencils , so fun to see what each day holds throughout December. That was so very nice of the lady to let you know where the things she has bought from you will be going. You know when you mentioned about your artwork having any purpose? I say if it brings you enjoyment to create, that is the best purpose, if others enjoy it too, that is the bonus!
    Have a great weekend!

  • Tamar Strauss-Benjamin October 13, 2022 at 15:38

    Beautiful nature shots!

  • Susan October 13, 2022 at 15:26

    My favorite things about October, are the allergens that are gone or greatly reduced. I couldn’t be outside in the Spring and Summer for very long either unless I was wearing a KN95 mask. I also like the color changes in the leaves of trees and plants, the cooler temperatures and enjoying all the Fall crops.

  • Christine October 13, 2022 at 13:37

    Happy October, lovely thoughts.

  • Carola Bartz October 13, 2022 at 13:10

    It must be so hard not to be able to go outside due to your allergies and I am glad that fall brings you some relief. October is my favorite month, I love the turning leaves and the softer, warmer light. Except for 2017, every October here in Sonoma County has been lovely. This is the month when I spend a lot of time in the garden since this is a great time for planting. It is such a joy to visit my two favorite nurseries and look for native plants that will support our wildlife.

  • Erika N October 13, 2022 at 06:02

    What a wonderful post. I like the idea of your October. And my camera is a best friend too. I never put it away because I never know when I want to grab it. I’ve worn out a couple of DSLR ones too. You have some wonderful photos in your post, and I have never read that book, but I should look for it. Have a wonderful end of your week and enjoy your outside visits. hugs-Erika

  • Nicole/DVArtist October 13, 2022 at 06:02

    My daughter is the same about the allergies. She has to stay inside almost all summer. I have always said you have such an eye for photography. Have a great day today.

  • Karen October 13, 2022 at 05:24

    I’m surprised that the fall allergies do not bother you also but so glad they don’t so you can finally get back outside again. I assume you can still be in and out of the house for short periods but not a lot in the allergy season you have? I love that bullet journal and glad you showed it I remember seeing it before I went on my vacation. You do such lovely photographs.

  • Luisella October 12, 2022 at 23:40

    Hello, your collection of photos is very meaningful.
    My favourite is Tavish.
    All the best!

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