A Master And An Apprentice

Wildflowers Oil Pastel Painting | Whims And Fancies


Spring is definitely in the air.  Although I love finding little colourful wild flowers and photographing them, it is also the worst time of the year for me due to severe pollen allergies.  I still try to find a little time to be outside to enjoy the bright flowers swaying happily during the windy March days.   Last year, in my attempt to learn wild flower photography, I went to a few local parks in search of new flowers.


Napa Northern Califiornia Wildflowers | Whims And Fancies


I took this photo of the wild flowers at our local park.  When I posted it here as part of my Wandering Camera monthly photo collage, Janine mentioned it looked like a painting.


Van Gogh - Green Wheat Field with Cypress


Ever since I was a child, I have been drawn to the Impressionist/Post-impressionist paintings.  I didn’t know them by that name at the time.  I remember loving the small brush-strokes.  I specially fell in love with the paintings of Van Gogh.  Initially all I knew of him was the very crude introduction as an eccentric artist who cut his ear off.  As I got older I learned a lot more about him and how much he was tormented by his own demons.  If I don’t keep my emotions in check, his life-story makes me extremely sad.


The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too.”  – Vincent Van Gogh


This is “Green Wheat Field With Cypress” which he painted while he was at the asylum of St. Paul.


Wildflowers Sennelier oil astel painting inspired by Van Gogh | Whims And Fancies


One rainy Friday, as I was looking at the photos of his paintings, I thought of what Janine said about my photo.  I often wanted to paint something of his style without directly copying his work.  I recently acquired a set of Sennelier landscape oil pastels.  Soon afterwards, I found myself working on this painting using those oil pastels.  It has become one of my favourites because of the emotional tie I feel.


Sometimes the state of the world makes me very sad, but if I have learned anything from Van Gogh, it is that even in the midst of torment and sadness, a speck of peace and beauty can be found.

Sometimes I long so much to do landscape, just as one would go for a long walk to refresh oneself, and in all of nature, in trees for instance, I see expression and a soul.” – Vincent Van Gogh


Happy Spring,


I am also linking up on Life Thru The Lens, Through My Lens, Our World TuesdayWednesday Around The World, Seasons, and Friday Photo Journal along with other linky parties on my Events And Links page.


15 thoughts on “A Master And An Apprentice

  • kelleyn rothaermel April 6, 2017 at 20:08

    Love it! Great job!

  • Janine @ Rainbow Hare April 5, 2017 at 15:16

    Gorgeous work, Soma :)

  • Cheryl Brickey April 4, 2017 at 12:23

    You are a wonderful photographer and artist, I love your painting!

  • jesh StG April 2, 2017 at 19:06

    Van Gogh is one of my favorites too! Unfortunately though, what is known about his life is translated from Dutch to English, and some things are not as severe in the Dutch language as they made it out to be in English. Came upon an English book about his letters – so since Dutch is my mother tongue I quickly discovered, certain parts were left out of his texts. For example, he loved his brother Theo dearly, and talked with him quite in detail about his painting experiences.
    . Another example is that he got thrown out of his father’s church (his father was a pastor), because Vincent wanted to marry a prostitute, so she could have a normal life and not have to sell her body in order to stay alive. Unorthodox, but in a sense admirable:)
    Many thanks for sharing your art work with SEASONS, Soma:):)
    Also thank you a bunch for your details about spinning -that really helps! I really appreciate that (am not always able to reply right away, sorry about that!)

  • Kate April 2, 2017 at 07:01

    Beautifully done! I hear you about the pollen. I love going out to do wildflower photography, but I usually require a good does of sinus medicine by the time I get home.

  • Lady Fi March 31, 2017 at 22:09

    What beautiful paintings! I hear you about the pollen though!

  • Kim Sharman March 30, 2017 at 23:37

    Such a clever and masterful painting of the lovely photo you captured with your lens, Soma. It has the wonderful feel of a Van Gogh. I too love Van Gogh….and Monet and Renoir added to the list of loved Impressionists. I am sad for you that you haven’t been able to enjoy the walks in the countryside that you so love. Let’s hope that the Spring pollens begin to lay low and you are out and about very soon, capturing the magic and beauty that you always do with your magical camera. As for sadness of these often dark times, I believe you, lovely lady bring much light, joy and happiness to those around you and your lovely blog. I know I for one, after reading your delightful posts, you always put a warm smile in my day.

  • Susie March 30, 2017 at 19:19

    I am in love with your landscape painting in the oil pastels!! You have captured his style, with your own landscape! ( And make it seem easy!) I hope you can escape to your beautiful spot , on those days where the pollen won’t allow you to physically be outside!
    Amazing artwork, Soma!!

  • Dixie March 30, 2017 at 17:40

    Wonderful photo and an equally lovely painting!
    Van Gogh really had a big heart and his beyond excellence with impasto really breathes movement and life into his paintings.
    You have captured that movement and life so beautifully.

  • Mary March 30, 2017 at 14:13

    Your work always inspires me, Soma. You have done a wonderful rendition of the field of flowers blowing. It is definitely in the Van Gogh style. Your eye captures so much more than my eye would.

    I hope your allergies stay in check. The rains that we have had will bring out the pollen in full force.

  • Sandra March 30, 2017 at 12:08

    Vincent’s words about painting a landscape are exactly how I feel where fabric is concerned, and piecing… Love your rendition Soma of that beautiful ethereal park. I think many of us have hurting hearts and souls over the world state of affairs…

  • Heulwen Price March 30, 2017 at 11:42

    Love your art work. Van Gogh is one of my favourite painters, I would love to do a quilt inspired by his art some day. I even have a FQ bundle of fabrics that resemble his painting style, although I haven’t yet found a suitable project for them. It will have to be something very special. :)

  • BillieBee March 30, 2017 at 08:05

    I love it as well! So many post lately have been bringing up memories. I guess it’s because I’m old. We lived in Newfoundland when I was around 8. The Spring/Summer was short. I used to take a blanket to Blue Berry hill that was next to a large field filled with wildflowers, lay on my blanket and hide among the wildflowers. Those were my peaceful moments from the world. I guess even at 8 I searched for peace and quiet…..grin.

  • krislovesfabric March 30, 2017 at 06:43

    What Carol said, lol! Soma, you leave me speechless with your beautiful work and words. I see the influence of Van Gogh in your painting but I also see you, my friend!

  • Carol S. March 30, 2017 at 06:07

    Such a beautiful post about your photo and the style of Van Gogh. You are so talented!

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