
Autumn Forest Trees Painted With FW Acrylic Inks | Whims And Fancies



I want to share with you a full burst of colour and happiness, if I may.  For the moment, I have had enough of being an adult.  By late last week, I was going mad with all the news everywhere.  So, I decided to disappear into made-up worlds.  I was searching for the ultimate escape within them.




Lego Harry Potter Quilt | Whims And Fancies


Playing In The Rain


I tried to continue with the everyday, but found it too tiresome.  I made this Lego Harry Potter quilt specially for a little extra comfort on these kinds of days.  This time, I wanted to hide under it forever.



Fantastic Beasts Lego | Whims And Fancies



Hiding forever does not work, of course.  I played with the new Lego that had arrived at my doorstep earlier that day.  Lego brings to mind the thought of ultimate childhood and innocence.  In the story these two characters have a special love that made me think of my cats.



My Orange Cat | Whims And Fancies



We worked together quietly into late hours, listening to our favourite music.  His presence cheers me up and his purr calms me, which in turn helps me concentrate.



Red Umbrella Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



With Artist Paintbox finished ( pattern can be found in my shop ), I worked on the red umbrella quilt pattern.   Rain makes me happy.  I learned the other day that I am a pluviophile.  I like that there is a word for people like us.  Since we are still in the midst of a long drought, I work rain into my creative world.



Autumn Forest Trees Painted With FW Acrylic Inks | Whims And Fancies



My husband stepped out to the local art store and got inks for me to play with.



Autumn Forest Trees Painted With FW Acrylic Inks | Whims And Fancies



Play with ink I did.  The FW acrylic inks are gorgeous.  With their help, I painted a forest full of happy trees.



Autumn Forest Trees Painted With FW Acrylic Inks | Whims And Fancies



I continued to sculpt and create trees over many hours while listening to an old favourite — Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone read in the comforting voice of Stephen Fry.  I love forests full of wonderfully old trees.  In my made-up world, the forest gets splashes of beautiful rain, trees continue to grow to hide the critters from the dangers of the world, so they can continue to play in the soft, filtered sunlight and mist that comes after the rain.




I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them. 




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Squares Plus Quilt Remade

Squares Plus Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



I had a brand new fun pattern written, fabric pulled, pattern pieces cut, and ready to be sewed.  Then, I broke my toes.   So, now I have to take a break for at least a few days.  I needed to finish sewing the binding on this quilt, so that’s exactly what I did, with my foot propped up on the sofa.  These blocks got a fresh new setting and are the focus of today’s story.



Squares Plus Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



Last September, I finished making this quilt for my kitty.  He kept on using it happily, but I HATED it!  Yes, I truly hated that green sashing.  I thought the green dulled those bright beautiful colours of the blocks.  I refused to lay that quilt out for my cat.  So finally, before I went on holiday, I started remaking the quilt.



Squares Plus Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



Time was short.  Instead of taking the whole quilt apart, I started at the seams that joined the blocks to the sashing.  I unpicked the stitches until the blocks came free.  Since I am a fairly light quilter, I was able to pull the blocks out during one afternoon.  Patience is required for the process though, good thing I like to listen to stories while I work.  Some day I will pull out the yellow backing for use in an another project.



Squares Plus Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



Of course, the blocks were not as crisp as when they were new.  They also shrunk a bit during multiple washes.  After trimming them to be of the same size, pressing them with a hot iron and steam made them good to be used again.



Squares Plus Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



This time I used plain white Kona cotton for the sashing to bring out the bright colours of the quilt blocks.  I did somewhat of a grid quilting.  It’s not a perfect grid, but it’s not random either.  The pale sea green thread is almost the same colour as the block background.



Squares Plus Quilt Pattern - Grid Quilting | Whims And Fancies



I found this steel-grey-blue in my stash for the backing.



Squares Plus Quilt Pattern - Binding Tips | Whims And Fancies



To keep it light and airy, I used the same fabric for the binding that I used for the block background.  By the way, if you use pins for binding, I highly recommend binding clips.  Clover clips are even better.  I only have one set of those at the moment, I will definitely get more in the future.



Squares Plus Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



The Squares Plus idea started with my wanting to make a plus quilt.  I also wanted to add a little twist to the traditional plus blocks.  While fiddling with the design, I added the little squares on top of the plus sign.  That became my Squares Plus pattern.


So here’s the newly-finished Squares Plus quilt for my kitty.  Not that he would know the difference, but I am certainly much happier to lay it out now.

My kitties use their quilts a lot.  If there is not already a quilt on one of their usual sleeping places because I have taken it away to wash, they sit and wait patiently, right beside the spot.  They continue to look at me until I lay a quilt down for them.  Smart, huh?!!


Happy Sewing,


I am also linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them, they are a lot of fun!




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