First-ever Pullover

Caron Simply Soft Yarn Sticks & Stones Pullover

Here it is, my first finished pullover!!   The kitting itself was actually quite easy.  I didn’t want to get into too much shaping with my first pullover project, so I used a very simple pattern for a loose style one.  I had to edit the pattern a lot to make it the correct size though.  Something always crops up, right?!

I think it probably took me about the same amount of time to sew the pieces together as it did to knit the individual pieces.  I was being very fastidious about lining everything up, so I attached and removed the stitches a thousand times I until I was happy with them.  I learned a lot about putting all the pieces together and also about how to weave the loose ends of yarn properly.  Knitting the neck was easiest.

I used Caron Simply Soft Yarn – Sticks and Stones to make it, I love the colour of that yarn.  It softened up beautifully after a nice wash.

My dear husband tried it on as soon as I finished it.  It fits him perfectly and he loves it!!  The smile was so worthwhile that I can’t wait to get started on the next one.  I am definitely packing this one for our yearly camping trip in September.


Happy Knitting!


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