Tioga Pass June 2024 photo by Soma Acharya Ink Torrents Graphics @ InkTorrents.com

Little Stories – Summer Play

Tioga Pass June 2024 photo by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @ InkTorrents.com


I went away for a few days to the Sierra Mountains at the high elevation that I love so much.   Now that I am back at home, it is strictly playing and planning indoors for me now.   As I was doing just that, I thought I share with you another set of b&w photos, along with a few other things I have been playing with – paint making, quilting, bookmaking and photography.



Simple 365 – Set 11


Here is another set of Simple365 photos.   For those of you who are new here – A few years ago,  I took one b&w photo per day of simple little things around me for a year.   I have been sharing those photos here every now and then.  These were taken during July and August of that year. 

Please Click on the image thumbnails to see the photos and read the captions.



I created a page with all the previously shared photos from Simple365.  I continue to add photos to that page as I share them here.  That way I can relive the journey through the year via black and white photos, like in an old photo album.



InkTorrents Graphics shop @ InkTorrents.com


Since I share mostly artwork and photos on this website, one thing you probably don’t know about me is that there was a time when I wrote software for most of my waking hours.  I loved it and I still do.

This is the month when I worked on the computer almost non-stop while drinking countless mugs of coffee and poring over code and art photos.  Tech and art side by side.  My shop went live that month.  Since then, I have added my handmade journals to the shop and sold quite a few, which has been a dream come true.



Paint Making



Making Lake Pigment by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @ InkTorrents.com


This is only a very small subset of pigments I made last year from things found in the garden.  I am planning on turning them into paint this year.  I need to get a respirator first since I don’t want any of this powder to get into my lungs.  I can’t wait to share more with you.



Quilt Making



Iris tulip English Garden Flower quilt pattern by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @ InkTorrents.com


I design paper piecing quilt patterns from the ground up, not using quilting software, but a vector drawing program.  I don’t have a design wall, so I create the layout using a software/app as well. 



Iris tulip English Garden Flower quilt pattern by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @ InkTorrents.com


I have finished making all the blocks for this quilt.  Now with the finished layout, I can start cutting the rest of the  fabric for sewing.



Notebooks and Journals



Old style handmade NAT leather notebook by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @ InkTorrents.com


My husband is studying for his pilot license, and he loves using paper for his notes.  So, I made this notebook for him in the style of old leather books, but with new NAT / vegan leather.  I saved the trim for him to use as a bookmark.

More books are in the making as I write this.






My Cat Tavish photo by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @ InkTorrents.com


When I am out and about, my DSLR camera is my perpetual companion.   A few years ago, I switched over to using non-zoom lenses, which are incidentally manual focus only.  It’s a bit old fashioned compared to the modern age of auto-focus zoom lenses, but it suits my style of photography. 



My Cat Tavish photo by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @ InkTorrents.com


I find black and white photography to be highly expressive.  As the color is stripped off the scene, it becomes all about light and shadow. 

I wanted to try out my recently acquired new lenses.   Tavish is the only cat who sits quietly enough for me to take his photos.   I took two portrait-style photos of him.  I couldn’t decide which one to share since they show two completely different sides of his personality – curious and quiet.  So I am sharing both.


Although I miss being outside, looking through the Simple365 photos made me want to play with new ideas, plan for the next road trip, and spend extra time with the kitties.   So that is exactly what I will be doing until autumn calls me out to play again.

I hope your summer is going well!

Until next time,


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please consider paying a visit to some of them.


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Imaginary Travels



We have been camping at my favourite campground in the High Sierra mountains for many years now because of the cooler temperatures.  Every year, I think about painting the beautiful mountains that surround the campground.  However, we always end up walking the mountain trails, playing board games, reading and perusing the night sky with my telescope instead.





Last time I was feeling too sick to paint en plein air.  So I made a quick sketch in my logbook noting down the colours.  As soon as I felt a little better at home, I finished the painting.





Since I was at home, I was tempted to use a wider palette for the painting, but I decided to stick to my travelling paintbox instead.  I wanted to familiarize myself a lot more with my travel palette and switch out colours if needed.


I removed the clips that holds the pans in place to be able to fit in 4 more half pans in the middle of the 8-half-pan Fome palette, making it a 12-pan palette.  With the clips missing, the pans were loose.  I glued magnets to the bottom of the pans to keep them in place.  The box is tiny, smaller than a pack of playing cards.  I love that size so much that I have 2 of them.  I got mine at Jerry’s Artarama





Since I usually travel during colder times, my palette is a bit on the broody side.  However, if needed,  I can easily mix warm, sunny colours with them as I did for this painting.  I will write a full post on my travel palette one day.

Painting the mountains was a wonderful way to be transported there all over again.





Nights are getting cooler around here and I have been knitting again.  I realised that I never showed the hat I had already made before going to Scotland earlier this year. 

I used a pattern called Winter Wish.  It includes both a chart and written instructions, which I prefer.  I added one extra pattern repeat to fit my large head (I am not joking) and a few more rows of the garter stitch rib.  I learned Brioche stitch for this hat; it turned out to be simpler than I had imagined. 


Youtube tutorial by Very Pink Knits for Brioche Stitch.

Youtube tutorial by The Unapologetic Knitter for Brioche In the Round.





The hat kept me toasty warm on the cold and windy days in Scotland.  I even lent it to my husband as he got sick half-way through our visit.  He liked it so much that he requested I make one for him as well.  The hat I had made for him was not quite as warm as this one.

You have heard me say, warm knits always make me think of faraway places.  Can’t wait to cast one for him.






I made progress with the alphabet series painting.  B took a long time to think of all the details I wanted to include.  My sketchbook travels with me and I within it.  I am now ready to ink and watercolour it.  Can you guess what it is?


Until next time,


I am also linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.




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