Journey Into The Future


Hello Everyone!  I didn’t mean for my winter break to last this long, but sometimes it is hard to break free of my own head-space.   Back in October, I made this sketch of a journey through space, which now represents the break quite aptly.   As I was looking to be inspired, I discovered music that I fell in love with, and found new stories while rediscovering some old ones.




One of my fears, probably my biggest fear, is being turned into a mindless drone doing repetitive work.  I would go to any length to avoid that.  I used the break to bring some much needed focus in my life.

One of the major finishes was a redesign of the website.   It had been overdue for a while and the timing was just perfect.   Software is very much a form of art for me and I loved seeing the new website take shape as I worked on it.




With my sweet helper beside me, I managed to sort and shelve almost all the books in the library.  A few finishing touches and it will be just perfect.  I still need to get furniture.  I love to sprawl on the floor, but as you know, it is not always the most comfortable option.




I have always loved mythology, specially Norse mythology.  As I was playing with the books, I reacquainted myself with this old interest of mine.  My husband liked the gift wrapping paper from one of this birthday presents, so I saved a piece of it to make a bookmark for him.




This is another drawing that saw a lot of progress.   The idea of the image became increasingly clear and vivid in my head as I worked on it. 


Last week, I got body-slammed by the bad old influenza virus.  Now that I am starting to feel better, I can’t wait to get back to my atelier.


For those of you who have been here with me from the beginning of Whims And Fancies,  Thank You so much for sticking with me all this time.  Also, a fond welcome to all of you who are new here.  I look forward to sharing the next steps of my artistic journey with you.


Until next time,


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.  



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