Midnight Cat And Simple365

Midnight Cat fantasy story art print InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya



Hi Everyone!  Let me introduce you to my Midnight Cat and a new set of Simple365 photos.   I started taking these photos in February.  This is the fourth set of 16 pictures each, so these are from late April.  This one mostly depicts me working in my atelier and in the garden when the flowers were in full bloom.


Simple 365 – Set 4


Please Click on the image thumbnails to see the photos.



Simple365 – These are photos of everyday little things or things that I do that remind me to be happy.

Right around that time, I got into ink-making using flowers around the garden.   That is a story for another day.   Doing that reminded me of growing up around my grandfather’s printing business.  I remember being mesmerized by the world of ink and paper, and it has remained a lifelong passion. 





When I started this website, Whims And Fancies was the perfect name as I was standing at the beginning of many paths.  Over time, I gravitated more toward my love of ink.  Recently I have been thinking of changing the name to suit my current journey.


So, Whims And Fancies became InkTorrents Graphics.

The web address is now www.inktorrents.com


However,  I have it set up so that Whims And Fancies will still be around as it is a very important part of my past. 

All the old pages will still work and my email address is going to remain the same.  If you have linked back to my site in the past, you don’t have to change anything.

Hope you like the new name, I really love it! 



Midnight Cat fantasy story art print InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya



Speaking of the past – many a year ago, while I was volunteering at the local shelter,  a battered and cranky middle-aged cat stole my heart and came home with me.  Over the next months and years, he became a confident and loving gentleman. This painting is his story.



Midnight Cat fantasy story art print InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya



Originally he was going to be farther away, along a path.  Then I thought of how observant he is and decided to do a more close-up painting focusing on his eyes.



Midnight Cat fantasy story art print InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya



The Midnight Cat loves to roam about the forest.  During his jaunts, the Moon himself gives him a blue glow and lights his path through dense green forest.



Midnight Cat fantasy story art print InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya



I didn’t think of it much then, but now it looks to me as if something has caught his attention.  I would love to explore that more.  One day.


Thank you so much for leaving such supportive comments and making purchases from my new shop right here.


Thank you again and until next time,

I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page. Please pay a visit to some of them.



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Flowers Of The Deep – Marabu Ink Review

Flowers Of The Deep Sea Floral Art Print Marabu Aqua Ink Review | whimsandfancies.com

Purchase Flowers Of The Deep


A few months ago, I was strolling through the art supply store in search of something new.  I noticed a small bottle of watercolour ink with the name Petrol on it.  I love the teal colour and it was an extremely affordable ink.  Naturally, it came home with me.  Thus I was introduced to the company Marabu.  



Marabu Aqua Ink Review | whimsandfancies.com


As I painted with the petrol ink, I found it wonderfully pigment-rich.  Soon afterwards, I got a set of the primary colour inks.

These inks do not come with dropper-tops.  Pouring makes a big mess.  Also, you only need a few drops.  So getting a few droppers is good idea.



Marabu Aqua Ink Review | whimsandfancies.com


I was able to create many colours from the six bottles that I got.

The colours lift off very easily.  If you like layering, you will have to adjust for that.

However, if you like to add details by lifting off colours, you will love working with these inks. 

As a beginner, you are in luck.  If you are unsatisfied with a part of your painting, you can lift off the colour and redo that area as long as your paper holds up.  After you lift off the paint, let the paper dry completely over the next 24 hours before you paint on it again.



Flowers Of The Deep Sea Floral Art Print | whimsandfancies.com


Since watercolour inks are already liquid, I find it extremely easy to work with them.  These inks have very low to no granulation, resulting in smooth wash and painting. 

The inks also flow very easily on both wet and dry paper. 



Flowers Of The Deep Sea Floral Art Print | whimsandfancies.com


Although I used Canson XL Series mixed media paper for my painting, I suggest the Canson XL Series watercolour paper. It is much thicker, good quality, easily acquired, and very affordable.

The leftover dried inks in the palette re-wet easily too.  So no waste there.


If you are at the verge of wanting to try watercolour painting, definitely go this route.  You won’t regret it.



Flowers Of The Deep Sea Floral Art Print | whimsandfancies.com


As for my painting, I started off drawing the flowers with nothing specific in mind.  As I continued to paint, it started looking like an undersea plant.



Flowers Of The Deep Sea Floral Art Print | whimsandfancies.com

Purchase Flowers Of The Deep


I fell in love with the deep ocean idea and called it  Flowers Of The Deep.  Felt very adventurous.  Prints are now available in my shop.  Would make a nice gift for any fantasy and scifi reader or a nature lover.


Hope you liked the painting and that it inspires you to play and have fun.


Until next time,


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.  



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