Sunday Puttering

Taffy In The Morning



The Sun is deciding on a daily basis lately if it wants to show its face or not.  Today is cloudy – it won’t rain but it is keeping it cool around here.   My favourite kitchen store is now at least an hour away from our new place instead of fifteen minutes away as it was in the city.  Since we decided to make a day of it and drive there through the beautiful wine country yesterday, puttering around the house today felt like the best thing to do on a cloudy, cool Sunday.   This boy of mine is very skittish, so it was also very nice to have him around in the morning during breakfast!



Homemade soap



This is the first batch of soap I made from scratch in this house and it was time to take them out of their moulds.  They spent the night in the freezer so I could pop them out very easily.  I am desperately in need of essential oils for the soaps since we decided to buy them after the move.  I better get on with it!  I used jojoba oil and tea tree oil for these.  I love home-made soap.



Potato Leek Soup



After taking care of yesterday’s shopping and the soap in the kitchen, I made a light potato-garlic-leek soup for lunch.  I love putting fresh thyme in this soup.  However, since my new thyme plant unfortunately didn’t make it,  I had to used dried ones this time.  The soup was very tasty nevertheless.



Castle Quilt Top



I have been working on finishing a few quilts too.  I finished putting the wonky castle quilt top together – I’ll quilt it with an Argyle pattern very soon.



Flowers Of The United Kingdom Quilt Top



Before I work on the castle quilt though, I want to finish this mini first.  The top is ready and I finally have an idea on how to quilt this one – lots and lots of overlapping concentric circles.

So that’s my Sunday so far.  Now I am off to play a video game with my hubby and later on make a chocolate pear pudding for desert.  He is making dinner tonight. Woohoo!

Wish all Sundays were this quiet!




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