I have been steadily working on custom patterns this week, so I didn’t have any time to sew. I have also been heading out after work a lot more with my camera. That in turn has resulted in my taking up running again. I used to swim regularly, I miss that since we moved here. Running is a good substitute. In the meantime, my friend Kris got the package that I sent her early this month. She is a wonderful friend and I love knitting for her. I used the Harvest Date pattern again to make a pair of mitts for her. I do love that pattern very much! I thought it was perfect for that October yarn.
I also included The Doctor Who – Time Lord Fairy Tales book in the package for her son. It was good timing too, they got a snow storm right around the time she received the package. She was able to wear her mitts and, due to cancelled school, her son was also able to read the book. Lucky boy, I haven’t finished reading my copy of the book yet. I liked this photo Kris took on the snow so much that I stole it from her website.
I recently heeded the call of the Sierras again; we packed our car on Friday night and headed out for the weekend. I have been going there for ten years and I still always find new places to explore every time I visit. John Muir famously said “The mountains are calling and I must go”. Who am I to disagree with him! These are the Cathedral Rocks rising above the morning clouds.
I have never left the Yosemite Valley without taking at least one photo of Half Dome, she’s my souvenir. I find her to be so beautiful.
Now back from the Sierras with a refreshed mind, I am ready to get back to work. One of the great things about being a pattern designer is custom pattern requests. I have made quite a few of them until today.
Last year I got a request from a lady who wanted to commemorate her parents’ love for each other. The emails we exchanged touched my heart deeply. She was very moved by this illustration that I made from a photo she had sent me. The quilt she made from this pattern will become a family heirloom. These are the times I am really happy to be a pattern designer.
This week I am working on two patterns that will be used to raise money for a children’s hospital.
The Wandering Camera Linky Party starts next week. Hope to see you there!
Happy Sewing,
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